

I'm Kat, a rootless 20-something caught somewhere between a quarter-life crisis and being painfully type A. While I currently live in Edinburgh, I seem to find myself moving to a new city every few years.

As you may have guessed, my favourite things are books, food, wine and travel.

I love cooking and have a particular soft spot for seafood and Italian cuisine. I have a soft spot for Italy generally. It's the one country I can visit time and time again without it ceasing to amaze me. 

I am not afraid of my food. Give me a fish and I'll fillet it. Give me a whole chicken and I'll butcher it. I know where my meat and fish comes from, and I'm not afraid of it in any state during the food preparation process. I always make an effort to try something new, despite how bizarre it might seem, wherever I travel. The food I post won't be intentionally quick, easy, or low calorie (fortunately for my waistline, it also isn't the food I cook every night).

While I've taken a wine class I am nowhere near as knowledgeable as I would like to be, and I'm always working on learning as much as I can. While sitting at home I generally prefer a full-bodied, tannin-y red, but every circumstance demands a different type of wine. I wouldn't want to drink a heavy red outside on a hot summer day! Trial and error has really been my friend in terms of learning which types of wine pair well with certain foods.

I have always loved reading, even from a small age. Unfortunately, university killed my desire to read for pleasure for a period of time. I'm just starting to get back into the swing of reading in my free time and enjoying it immensely.

I don't get to travel nearly as much as I want to; it always seems that when I have the time I don't have the money, and when I have the money I don't have the time. I do try to get abroad a few times per year, and I've been very lucky to travel to and live in some amazing places.

Current Travel Bucket List
Turkey- Istanbul & Cappadocia
Greece- Athens & Islands