Friday 8 May 2015

La Carta Salice Salentino Rosso, Reserva 2010

Pulgia, Italy
£10, Cornelius Beer and Wine

I've had this bottle sitting on my wine rack for a little while and have been meaning to find time to open it. Watching the election pundits try to predict what was going to happen yesterday evening before the polls actually closed proved an opportune time.
The wine is clear and light bodied. It has a brownish, rusty colour to it as opposed to a deep red. It has a very strong fruity smell and a milder, but still substantial woody smell.

Flavour wise it was less fruity than I expected it to be based upon the smell. The wine had subtle notes of cherry. It was slightly sweet with very soft tannins and a crisp finish. However, there was a slight tinge of acidity. The woody flavour of the wine stood out most, and I enjoyed the contrast between the aged, woody flavour and the lighter body of the wine.

Overall this wine was different from what I usually but I found that I enjoyed it. As the wine is from southern Italy it didn't quite have the depth to it as wines from more norther regions but the light, woody flavour was a nice change of pace.


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