Saturday 2 May 2015

Settesoli Inzolia

This was one of the wines Mr BFWT and I brought back with us from Sicily. After a long week on both our parts we decided to crack it open with Friday dinner.

Inzolia, also known as Ansonica, is a grape variety grown in the western areas of Sicily, not too far away from where we were staying in Palermo.

I have never tried an Inzolia before so I wasn't really sure what to expect. The colour was very light, not too far off from a Pinot Grigio, so I expected it to be crisp and light.

The wine had a moderately fruity smell. It ended up being far more full-bodied than I expected, which was a bit of a disappointment as I tend to prefer lighter whites. I found the finish to be a bit harsh and unpleasant. It was more overpowering than I would have preferred.

Overall the wine was drinkable. I enjoyed trying a new variety of wine and something local to the area we visited, but I wouldn't buy it again.


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